Lips do not have oil glands like the rest of our skin, which makes them lose moisture and become dry easily. The causes are the environment, health problems, and our behavior that often neglects to moisturize our lip care at all times. In addition, dry and cracked lips are cause by saliva, spicy foods, and cold weather.

Which causes the body to lack moisture. The lips will also become dry, cracked, peeling and flaky. Sometimes it can cause pain, annoyance and even loss of confidence. So today, let’s prepare to deal with the problem of dry lips this winter with lip care techniques. Even if we have to be expos to cold air both outside and inside the building, we won’t be afraid that our lips will be cracke, dry and flaky anymore.
Ways to care for your lips to keep them moist, smooth, and beautiful.
Nourish with lip balm regularly. Lip balm is use to moisturize and treat dry and cracked lips. In addition to keeping the lips soft and moist all the time, it also contains vitamins that are beneficial to the lips. Therefore, we should always carry lip balm with us because it is consider the best helper for the lips.
Scrub your skin and lips properly. You may think that exfoliating your skin will make your skin drier or your lips more flaky, but that’s not always the case. That’s probably because you don’t know that there are scrub and lip formulas that are suitable for different skin types and skin concerns. UFABET It is recommend to use a soft toothbrush to gently scrub your lips. Or use granulated sugar to gently scrub your lips for about 1-2 minutes, then rinse with clean water and apply lip balm to lock in moisture for your
Drink plenty of water. You should drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, or some people drink up to 2 liters. This does not include tea, coffee, soft drinks, and fruit juices because those waters do not moisturize the skin that much. However, you should drink water to add moisture to skin cells. It also reduces dry, peeling lips. Especially the elderly should drink more water because as you age, your cells will retain less moisture.
Eat foods that contain vitamins and supplements. Eating foods that are rich in vitamins A, B, C, and Omega 3 in the right amount that your body needs each day, such as whole grains, brown rice, green leafy vegetables, nuts, berries, and plain yogurt, will help nourish your lips to be healthy and add more moisture to them.